Everything You Need to Know About Building a Fence in Calgary

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Everything You Need to Know About Building a Fence in Calgary


Building a fence around your property in Calgary can provide privacy, security, and enhance the overall aesthetics of your outdoor space. Whether you’re looking to keep your pets safe, mark your property boundaries, or simply add a decorative element to your yard, understanding the fence building process is essential.In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about building a fence in Calgary. From understanding the local bylaws to the step-by-step process of constructing your fence, we’ve got you covered.

Calgary Fence Building Bylaws

Before you start planning your fence project, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the fence building bylaws in Calgary. These bylaws are in place to regulate the construction of fences and ensure they meet safety and aesthetic standards.Here are some key points from the Calgary fence building bylaws:Backyard Fence Height: The fence cannot be higher than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) in the backyard.Front Yard Fence Height: In the front yard, the fence cannot exceed a height of 1.2 meters (4 feet).Corner Visibility Triangle: Inside a corner visibility triangle, the fence cannot be higher than 0.75 meters (2 feet 6 inches). This is to ensure visibility for drivers at intersections.Gate Height: If you have a gate as part of your fence, it cannot be higher than 2.5 meters (8 feet 2 inches).Understanding these height restrictions is essential when planning your fence design. It’s advisable to check with local authorities or your fence contractor to ensure compliance with these bylaws.

The Process in Building a Fence

Building a fence in Calgary involves several steps, from planning and permits to installation and maintenance. Let’s break down the process for you:

Determine Your Property Lines

Before you start building, it’s crucial to know your property lines. Accurate property line information ensures that your fence is installed within your boundaries and doesn’t encroach on your neighbor’s land. You may need to hire a land surveyor for precise measurements.

Obtain Necessary Permits

In some cases, you may need permits to build a fence, especially if your project involves height variations or specific design elements. Check with the City of Calgary’s planning department to determine if you need a permit for your fence.

Choose Your Fence Type

Selecting the right fence type depends on your specific needs and preferences. Common fence materials include wood, vinyl, chain link, metal, and composite. Consider factors like privacy, maintenance, and aesthetics when choosing.

Plan Your Fence Layout

Create a detailed plan for your fence layout, including measurements, gate locations, and any special features like decorative elements or trellises. Ensure your design complies with local bylaws.

Gather Materials and Tools

Once you have a plan, gather all the necessary materials and tools for the project. This includes fence panels, posts, concrete, hardware, and any additional features you’ve chosen.

Prepare the Site

Clear the area where the fence will be installed. Remove obstacles, rocks, or debris that may interfere with installation. Ensure the ground is level for proper fence alignment.

Install the Fence

Begin by setting the fence posts in concrete. Allow them to cure before attaching the fence panels. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your chosen fencing material.

Add Gates

If your fence includes gates, install them securely. Gates should open and close smoothly and have proper locking mechanisms for security.

Finish and Inspect

Once your fence is installed, inspect it carefully for any defects or issues. Address any necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure the fence is sturdy and meets your expectations.

Maintain Your Fence

Regular maintenance is essential to prolong the life of your fence. This includes painting or staining (for wooden fences), checking for loose hardware, and addressing any damage promptly.

Top FAQ for Fence Building

As you embark on your fence building project, you may have questions. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about fence building in Calgary:

Do I need a permit to build a fence in Calgary?

The need for a permit depends on the height and design of your fence. It’s advisable to check with the City of Calgary to determine if your project requires a permit.

Can I build my fence on the property line?

Yes, you can build your fence on the property line, but it’s essential to know the exact boundary to avoid encroaching on your neighbor’s property inadvertently.

What type of fencing material is best for Calgary’s climate?

Pressure-treated wood, cedar, and vinyl are popular choices for Calgary’s climate. These materials are known for their durability and ability to withstand our weather conditions.

Can I install a fence on a sloped property?

Yes, fences can be installed on sloped terrain. Your fence design may require stepped panels or custom solutions to follow the contour of the land.

Are there any restrictions on fence design or style?

Calgary’s bylaws primarily focus on fence height and placement. However, if you live in a community with a homeowners’ association, there may be additional design guidelines to consider.


Building a fence in Calgary can enhance your property’s functionality, aesthetics, and security. By understanding the local bylaws, following a structured process, and addressing common questions, you’ll be well-prepared for your fence building project.If you’re searching for “fence contractor near me” to find the best fence service providers in your area, we hope you will consider Project Landscape. Our team of experts is here to assist you with all your fencing needs. Contact us at 403-257-4059 or visit our website to learn more.Now that you’re equipped with valuable information, you can embark on your fence building journey with confidence. Happy fencing!

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